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jRelationalFrameworktutorial |
This tutorial starts simple and gets more complex to give a more in-depth view of what can be done with this framework. This uses a relatively simple video store database example. The working source code for this tutorial can be found in the examples directory of the distribution zip file.
Customer table columns used in this example:
Customer.LastUpdatedIn general, it is easiest if there is a one-to-one relationship between persistent object classes and tables. Let's say we have a Customer table already built and we want to create a Customer class whose instances will be equivalent to a row in the Customer table. We would do the following:
Assuming this compiles and the table and column metadata are defined correctly, we can now do some pretty cool things like below:
- Create a Customer class that subclasses com.is.jrf.PersistentObject.
- Create an instance variable for each column in the table.
- Create a getter and a setter for each persistent attribute.
- Inside each persistent attribute setter, call this.markModifiedPersistentState().
- Example:
import java.sql.Timestamp;
public class Customer
extends PersistentObject
private Integer i_id = null;
private String i_name = null;
private Timestamp i_lastUpdated = null;public Integer getId()
return i_id;
public void setId(Integer id)
i_id = id;
}public String getName()
return i_name;
public void setName(String name)
i_name = name;
}public Timestamp getLastUpdated()
return i_lastupdated;
public void setLastUpdated(Timestamp ts)
i_lastUpdated = ts;
} // Customer- Create a CustomerDomain class that subclasses com.is.jrf.AbstractDomain.
- Create a setup() method like below. Note that the JDBCHelperFactory class is not part of the framework. Each persistent attribute needs an instance of ColumnSpec to map the database column to the object attribute. Notice that there is a different ColumnSpec implementation for each type of column. i.e. Integer, String, Timestamp. There are other types and more can be easily added when needed.
protected void setup()
this.setDatabasePolicy(new OracleDatabasePolicy());
new StringColumnSpec(
"Id", // Column name
"getId", // Getter name
"setId", // Setter name
DEFAULT_TO_NULL, // Default value
new StringColumnSpec(
"Name", // Column name
"getName", // Getter name
"setName", // Setter name
DEFAULT_TO_NULL, // Default value
REQUIRED, // Validation option
UNIQUE)); // Validation option
new TimestampColumnSpec(
"LastUpdated", // Column name
"getLastUpdated", // Getter name
"setLastUpdated", // Setter name
DEFAULT_TO_NOW)); // Default to db time
}- Create a newPersistentObject() method that looks like this:
protected PersistentObject newPersistentObject()
return new Customer();
}- Create a preSave() method to keep the LastUpdated column updated.
protected void preSave(PersistentObject aPO,
JDBCHelper aJDBCHelper)
Customer customer = (Customer) aPO;
// CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is a Timestamp with a special meaning.
// The db-specific Date/Time function is used to set this
// column in the database.
}public List findForName(String s)
- Now let's create a specialized query so we can find a customer by name:
return this.findWhere(
this.getTableAlias() + ".Name = '" + s + "'");
- Save a new customer in the database:
Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.setName("Craig Laurent");
Customer savedCustomer = (Customer)
new CustomerDomain().save(customer);
Integer craigId = savedCustomer.getId();- Find a customer using the primary key:
Customer foundCustomer = (Customer)
new CustomerDomain().find(new Integer(1));
or by populating the primary key of a customer:
Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.setId(new Integer(1));
Customer foundCustomer = (Customer)
new CustomerDomain().find(customer);- Update his/her name in the database (building on the previous example):
foundCustomer.setName("Jim Slim");
new CustomerDomain().save(foundCustomer);- Find a customer or customers by name using the specialized query we wrote:
List customers =
new CustomerDomain().findForName("Craig Laurent");- Find all customers in the table:
List customers =
new CustomerDomain().findAll();- Delete a customer from the database table:
new CustomerDomain().delete(foundCustomer);
public void setup()
// ....
JoinTable joinTable =
new OuterJoinTable(
"CustomerPhone", // table name
// customer (main) table column(s)
// separated by commas if more than one
"CustomerId,Type='Home'"); // customerphone (join)
// column(s) separated by commas
new StringJoinColumn(
"PhoneNumber", //
Column Name
// Alias in case of name conflict
"setHomePhone")); // Setter method name
Notice that since we want Customer rows even where there is no corresponding CustomerPhone row, we use an OuterJoinTable. Generally, the JoinTable constructor should have the same number of main table (Customer) columns as join table columns. However, In this case we only want the Type='Home' rows from the CustomerPhone (join) table so we have a columnname=value pair (Type='Home') for the join table column and we leave out the name of the main table column.
To place a vector of CustomerPhone objects inside each Customer do this (This assumes you have already created a CustomerPhoneDomain class like the CustomerDomain class):
If performance is important, it is necessary to override each of the find methods in CustomerDomain with one call to CustomerPhoneDomain() to fetch all desired CustomerPhone persistent objects and match them with the appropriate Customer objects. That would look something like this for the Customer#findAll() method:
public List findAll()
// This is
more efficient than using the postFind() method
// but it
requires putting similar code in all find methods.
List customers = super.findAll();
List customerPhones = new CustomerPhoneDomain().findAll();
// put customer
to customerPhone match logic here...
When a Customer instance is deleted, it is important to be able to delete the CustomerPhone instances at the same time. The preDelete() and postDelete() methods are used for this purpose. Here is one way to delete the CustomerPhone objects before deleting the Customer object. This preDelete() method goes into the CustomerDomain class. Assume the CustomerPhoneDomain#deleteFor(...) method is already written.
protected void preDelete(PersistentObject aPO,
JDBCHelper aJDBCHelper)
Customer customer = (Customer) aPO;
// Use the
passed-in JDBCHelper so it is part of the same transaction
new CustomerPhoneDomain().deleteFor(customer,
The methods preSave(aPersistentObject, aJDBCHelper) and
aJDBCHelper) can be used to do similar things when saving.
new CompoundPrimaryKeyColumnSpec(
new IntegerColumnSpec(
new StringColumnSpec(
Notice how the primary key columns are wrapped in a CompoundPrimaryKeyColumnSpec instance.
new StringColumnSpec(
Rental table columns used in this example:
Video table columns used in this example:
In this section we'll look at how to create your own, custom find SQL if you've gone beyond the easy capabilities of the framework. We'll implement an associative (many-to-many) relationship between the Customer and Video tables. The Rental table tells us who has which videos checked out. The most direct and simple way would be to have Customer, Video, and Rental persistent objects and domains that would map directly to the underlying tables. This would involve no joins and harmony would exist between the object and relational world. This would be done similar to the way we put a vector of CustomerPhone objects into each Customer instance up in the "Complex Objects" section.
Unfortunately, in this case, this involves making the object model look like the relational model, which can make the object model feel clunky and is inefficient to boot. So let's explore some more complex joins using custom SQL.
The goal is to have a Customer persistent object have a vector of Video objects and a Video object with a vector of Customer objects. (Be warned that this could cause an infinite loop, hence the NO_POST_FIND option below):