
Interface Summary
ColumnSpec Implementors of this interface represent columns in the table represented by the domain subclass.
DatabasePolicy This is an interface used to provide database specific behavior.
JRFConstants This interface should be implemented whenever a class wants easy access to the value of these variables.
PersistentState This is an interface for the state of a PersistentObject object.

Class Summary
AbstractColumnSpec Subclass instances of this abstract class represent columns in the table represented by the domain class.
AbstractDomain Subclasses of AbstractDomain are generally table-specific objects.
AbstractStaticDomain This abstract superclass caches the PersistentObjects for it's subclasses.
BigDecimalColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does BigDecimal specific things.
BigDecimalJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents an BigDecimal column we want joined from another table.
BooleanColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Boolean-specific things.
BooleanJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents an Boolean column we want joined from another table.
CompoundPrimaryKeyColumnSpec This implementer of ColumnSpec holds multiple AbstractColumnSpec subclass instances that make up the primary key for a table.
CreateTableSQLBuilder Instances of this class build SQL to do CREATE TABLE statements.
CurrentPersistentState This state is for a persistent object that is in-synch with the database.
DeadPersistentState This is the state for brand new PersistentObject objects that are not in the database yet.
DoubleColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Double-specific things.
DoubleJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents an Double column we want joined from another table.
FloatColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Float-specific things.
FloatJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents an Float column we want joined from another table.
HypersonicDatabasePolicy Instances of this class perform Hypersonic-specific logic and return Hypersonic-specific information.
InsertSQLBuilder Instances of this class build SQL to do INSERT statements.
InstantDBDatabasePolicy Instances of this class perform InstantDB-specific logic and return InstantDB-specific information.
IntegerColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Integer-specific things.
IntegerJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents an Integer column we want joined from another table.
JDBCHelperFactory Use of this class or is not required by the framework.
JoinColumn Subclasses of this class represent columns from another table that we want included in our PersistentObject.
JoinTable Instances of this class represent a plain old inner join.
JRFProperties Use of this class or it's properties file is not required.
LongColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Long-specific things.
LongJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents an Long column we want joined from another table.
ModifiedPersistentState This state represents an object that is out-of-synch with the database.
MySQLDatabasePolicy Instances of this class perform Sybase/SQLServer-specific logic and return Sybase/SQLServer-specific information.
NewPersistentState This is the state for brand new PersistentObject objects that are not in the database yet.
NullableBooleanColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Boolean-specific things.
OracleDatabasePolicy Instances of this class perform Oracle-specific logic and return Oracle-specific information.
OuterJoinTable This class can be used in place of the JoinTable class since it is a subclass.
PersistentObject This is an abstract superclass for those objects wishing to participate in the domain-object SQL framework.
PostgreSQLDatabasePolicy Instances of this class perform PostgreSQL-specific logic and return PostgreSQL-specific information.
ResultPageIterator This class is a ListIterator for the "pages" of a result set.
SelectSQLBuilder Instances of this class build SQL to do SELECT statements.
ShortColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Short-specific things.
ShortJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents an Short column we want joined from another table.
SQLBuilder Subclasses of this class generate SQL.
SQLDateColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does java.sql.Date specific things.
SQLDateJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents a java.sql.Date column that we want joined from another table.
SQLServerSybaseDatabasePolicy Instances of this class perform Sybase/SQLServer-specific logic and return Sybase/SQLServer-specific information.
SQLTimeColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does java.sql.Time specific things.
SQLTimeJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents a java.sql.Time column that we want joined from another table.
StringArrayColumnSpec Subclass of AbstractColumnSpec that handles arrays of strings.

This Column Spec will take an array of Strings from a Persistent Object and convert it to a comma delimited string back in the database.

StringArrayJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents a String array column we want joined from another table.
StringColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does String-specific things.
StringJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents a String column we want joined from another table.
TimestampColumnSpec This subclass of AbstractColumnSpec does Timestamp-specific things.
TimestampJoinColumn This subclass of JoinColumn represents a Timestamp column we want joined from another table.
UpdateSQLBuilder Instances of this class build SQL to do UPDATE statements.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException An exception used to indicate that there is an error with the domain class configuration.
DatabaseException This exception is a wrapper for errors thrown by the JDBC driver.
DomainException This class provides an abstract superclass for the non-runtime exceptions.
DuplicateRowException This exception is thrown during validation for columns defined as unique that are not unique.
MissingAttributeException This exception is thrown when a REQUIRED attribute is null or an empty string.
ObjectHasChangedException This exception is thrown during the save of an object when that object has been changed by someone else since it was last retrieved.